
I just want a Twinkie...

Happy Wednesday Lovelies!
Some days the struggle is real. I know that I need to eat healthy, not just for the sake of my ever growing back side, but to be able to live a life that is free of illness and disease. Personally, I love fresh fruit and veggies and enjoy eating a healthy, clean lifestyle. But dang it, some days I just want a damn Twinkies and I do not want others to judge me for it! 

Healthy lifestyles are a big topic these days, some for it, some against it, and others just ignore it. Whatever your eating habits, the choice is yours. I love to eat clean and healthy, but I also will annihilate a sugar filled birthday cake before you can say "Happy Birthday." To be able to enjoy birthday cake  I try and and keep myself on track every other day of the week. 

So instead of driving to the store to buy Twinkies (I never buy them so as not to be tempted), I will make my delicious fruit bowl. Here's to you Twinkies lovers that want a bit of health and sweetness in your life. Use organic ingredients when possible to avoid potential pesticide exposure. It is the perfect amount of sweet, soft, and crunch that some munchies desire...

Recipe (sized to your desire):
- strawberries, sliced
- bananas, sliced
- walnuts, broken
- honey, drizzled - too much and it will taste too gooey.
(Try and use local honey to help aid in your local bee population - remember, no bees, no food!. Alright, I'm off my soap box).

Honey has many health properties and is a great substitute for any recipe that calls for processed sugar. If you are skeptical - here is a report from WebMd about the potential health benefits (and warnings) for Honey. Of course I would be happy to provide you a link to the most "granola" of sites too...but here's for you science lovers. Medicinal Uses of Honey by WebMD

Here's to a happy life!

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